Capacity Development
This subcomponent aims to enhance the capacity of JFMC, EDC, and PSS members in conducting various activities supported by the Project through training and exposure visits. The purpose is to strengthen the committees? management capacities and to help the members successfully implement the forest management, biodiversity conservation, and ecotourism activities, and IGAs. There will be two types of training. The first type will be on administrative and financial management and will be given to all target villages. The second type will be needs-based training such as skills development courses for SHGs. This type of training will be provided based on the needs of an SHG, JFMC, EDC, or PSS.
Details of the training programmes will be prepared by the Project at the time of the execution. Trainers will be procured by the PMU or DFU. They may be sourced from the Forest Department, other departments, NGOs, academic institutions and the private sector depending on the topic. The Project will utilize facilities such as the field offices of the Forest Department and Block Administrative Centers as training venues.