Organizations For Implementation

Executing Agency
Department of Forest, Environment, and Wildlife Management (DFEWM), Government of Sikkim.

Organization's Role
The Project will be implemented by various offices to be created within the DFEWM as well as the Project Management Unit (PMU) to be established outside the DFEWM as an independent autonomous society in compliance with Society Registration Act, 1860. At the field level, 4 Division Facilitation Units (DFUs) and 27 Range Supporting Units (RSUs) will be established, and the functioning of RSUs will be monitored by concerned DFUs. The Empowered Committee will be created within the State Government as the highest decision-making body for the Project. In case, the number of staff working for PMU, DFUs and RSUs are not sufficient to implement the project, the incremental staff with contractual basis will be employed under the Project.


No. of Unit




An autonomous society



One (1) DFU will be created within each Division



One (1) RSU will be created within each Range

PMU will take the overall managerial charge of the implementation of the Project. The Governing Body (GB) will be created as required by the Society Registration Act, and the Governing Body will be the highest decision-making body within the society so that simplified budget execution decision-making process is secured. PMU functions for overall project coordination, procurement management, financial management including collating the expenditure statements from field offices and consolidate these for the reimbursement claims to JICA, monitoring and evaluation, and preparation of reports such as Quarterly Progress Reports and Project Completion Report. Executive Body (EB) will be responsible for monitoring of the physical and financial progress of the Project. The GB shall function as the highest overall decision-making body to approve annual work plans, budgetary allocations etc. and EB is responsible for day to day operation in PMU level.

DFU will be created at each Division and not registered as autonomous society. DFU will supervise the activities of those project implementers and assist PMU in planning, fund management, work progress monitoring and documentation at the field level. The DFU will receive project fund from PMU and disburse it to project implementers such as RSUs, JFMCs, EDCs, PSSs, SHGs and concerned NGOs. The fund will be transferred to the above project implementers based on the certification of the Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) of the district concerned with particular sector of the work. Most of the day-to-day budget execution decision-making in each district will be vested on the Project Coordinator (Joint Director (JD) or DFO) of DFU. The mechanism assumed here is the same as the FDA implementation scheme funded by the Ministry of Environment and Forests.

RSU will be created at each Range to take charge of project implementation at the range level. RSU will have following major functions: 1) technical support to project implementers at the village level, namely JFMCs, EDCs, PSSs and SHGs, and 2) project execution for non-JFM or non- EDC mode project interventions (departmental works).