Entry Point Activities

The Project will provide funds for target JFMCs, EDCs, and PSS?s to carry out entry point activities (EPAs) to the target JFMCs, EDCs, and PSSs at an early stage of project implementation. An EPA refers to small-scale assistance for the creation of community assets and should address the common urgent needs of the entire community. The aim of providing EPAs is to gain the trust of the village residents towards the Project by satisfying their immediate demands. In addition, EPAs should be implemented in coordination with the local government and other department of Sikkim to avoid duplication and enhance efficiency of public service delivery. EPAs for each JFMC, EDC and PSS will be selected in a participatory manner and should be included in the micro plan. Examples of EPAs implemented by JFMCs under other JICA-funded projects are as follows.
  • Construction of the community hall
  • Repair of a schools/pilgrimage centers
  • Construction of gates
  • Construction of footpaths
  • Establishment of school water tanks
  • Installation of compost pits
  • Establishment of ecotourism facilities
  • Establishment of small scale soil erosion control measures